Online Learning at Iowa Central
Coaching Authorization

Coaching Authorization

爱荷华中央社区学院提供教练授权或教练认可课程. 这四门课程有多种形式,下面的信息可以帮助你找到最适合你的授课方式. 请记住,爱荷华中心只提供课程. The Board of Educational Examiners (B.O.E.E) grants the authorization/endorsement.

下面是一个图表,人们可以使用它来帮助确定哪个课程最适合你.  在提交申请之前,必须完成每个类别中的一门课程. 请记住,可能还有其他课程也适用. 这些是在爱荷华中心完成的最受欢迎的教练授权/认可课程. Popular internet delivery courses are in green. 教练授权的非学分提供是可用的. 点击这里进入爱荷华中心的教练授权非学分页面.

Category 1 – Structure and Function

Course # Course Title Credit or Non-credit Delivery Method Book Req’d
PEC 123 Anatomy for Coaching 1 Credit Online No
PEC 121 Body Structure and Function 2 Credits On Campus Yes
BIO 163 Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology 4 Credits On Campus Yes
BIO 168 Human A & P I 4 Credits On Campus Yes
  Kinesiology   Not Offered at Iowa Central  

Category 2 – Human Growth and Development

Course # Course Title Credit or Non-credit Delivery Method Book Req’d
PEC 115 Athletic Development & Human Growth 1 credit Online No
PSY 121 Developmental Psychology 3 credits On Campus & Online Yes
PSY 222 Child Psychology 3 credits On Campus & Online Yes
PSY 224 Adolescent Psychology 3 credits On Campus & Online Yes
  *Dynamics of Human Development   Not Offered at Iowa Central  
  *Growth and Motor Performance   Not Offered at Iowa Central  
  (B.O.E.E. cannot accept educational psychology, general psychology, or abnormal psychology to meet this requirement.)


Course # Course Title Credit or Non-credit Delivery Method Book Req’d
PEC 127 Care and Prevention of Athletic Injury 2 credits Online Yes
PET 105 Basic Athletic Training 3 credits On Campus Yes
  *First Aid and Safety in Sports   Not Offered at Iowa Central  

Category 4 – Theory of Coaching

Course # Course Title Credit or Non-credit Delivery Method Book Req’d
PEC 110 Coaching Ethics, Techniques & Theory 1 credit Online No
PEC 111 Techniques and Theory of Coaching 2 credits On Campus Yes

Requirements to Complete Coaching Authorization

  1. 完成满足以上4个类别的课程.
  2. 脑震荡课程-点击这里通过B访问免费课程.O.E.E.:
  3. 背景调查:与您的申请一起完成.O.E.E website
  4. B.O.E.E. Application:
  5. CPR不能是唯一的在线版本,我们不接受教师的笔记/信件.  从下列经批准的供应商之一上传CPR卡片:

Additional B.O.E.E. Website Links


Coaching Authorization = Open to all qualified persons, 18 years of age or older, 谁已经完成了要求的课程并通过了背景调查.


Coaching Endorsement =只对目前拥有爱荷华州教师执照的人开放.  所有课程必须完成大学学分(非学分课程) DO NOT apply).

学院不授予授权或背书. 大学只提供给申请教育考试委员会(B)的人的课程.O.E.E.).

  1. Structure and Function of the Human Body
    Human Anatomy
    Human Physiology
  2. Human Growth and Development
    Developmental Psychology
    Child Psychology
    Adolescent Psychology
    Dynamics of Human Development
    Growth and Motor Performance
    (普通心理学,心理学入门,教育心理学,或变态心理学 not meet this requirement)
  3. Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries
    First Aid and Safety in Sports
    Basic Athletic Training
  4. Theory of Coaching
    The B.O.E.E. 通常会接受一般的教练理论课程还是特定运动的教练理论课程.



Non-credit: 非学分课程在网上提供,有两种不同的选择(常规或速成). Click here 现在报名参加非学分教练授权课程.

College Credit: Iowa Central offers the courses online. Courses are offered through an internet delivery.


Completed with your application on the B.O.E.E website.

非学分的教练授权费用低于大学学分的选择. 联系爱荷华中心了解这两种选择的当前价格. 如果您对非学分指导授权有疑问, please call 515-574-1293 or email

You can enroll into all courses at one time; HOWEVER, 出于各种原因,我们鼓励人们一次只注册一个. 如果你想一次报读多门课程, 请联系爱荷华州中心的远程学习办公室了解详情. 例如,大多数人一次只学习一门教练课程. 如果由于某种原因你决定你没有必要的时间,欲望,等等., you are enrolled into all courses. 当一次注册一门课程时,你只需要学习一门课程(而不是全部四门课程)。. 退款的计算也基于注册日期.


一旦被工作人员登记,在你开始之前需要全额付款. For first time students to Online courses, 学生需要先完成在线学生培训,然后才能进入辅导课程.

  1. Complete Distance Learning Application
  2. Complete Online Enrollment Request Form
  3. 全额付款(步骤1和2需要收到和信息必须放入我们的系统之前付款.)
  4. 完成在线学生培训(可以在开课前4-5天完成).
  5. 在完成第4步后大约1-2小时内,您将可以进入课程

请注意-这些步骤每个都需要时间来完成.  The entire process is typically not all completed within one day.


Ian Oliver
Criminal Justice
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